Page 501 - Jaquar Global Catalogue 2021-22
P. 501

Safety Vacuum Breaker        No Bacteria Formation        Environment Friendly            3 Tier Test
         This is one of the important   Fresh water everytime.    The pipes are made from      Each and every Jaquar
          safety features installed in   The water pipes connect via   special Food Grade PVC.   whirlpool goes through a
         Jaquar whirlpools. In case   Y-shaped housings, creating   These pipes have an anti   functional test with hot water
          of blockage in the suction   a bow which ensures the   bacterial coating on the inner   after which it is tested on a
         point the motor switches off   complete drainage of water.   side so that even if some   European test machine for
              automatically.        Unpleasant odours and, even   drops of water stay behind   earthing resistance, insulation
                                      worse, bacteria are thus     after the tub is drained,   test and a high voltage test.
                                            avoided.             there won’t be any bacteria
                                                                   formation in the water

              Easy To Use                 Water Jets                  Airpool Jet                 PMMA Sheet
           The electronic keypad      The effectiveness of the    The airpool jets provide a   Jaquar whirlpools are made
          control activates all the   hydromassage is enhanced   gentle and delicate massage   of the highest  grade of
          hydromassage functions,    by the water flow which can   on your spine, which        PMMA  acrylic sheets.
         to regulate airpool intensity.   be adjusted in intensity and   increases the sensation of
         All electronic parts can be   direction to suit personal   warmth in the body and has
          installed and removed on    needs, in order to gently   benefical effects on the back.
         site, thus making after-sales,   massage delicate areas.  The air bubbles open
         what it should ideally be - a                             the insulation layer by
                service !                                          oxygenating the body.

            Air Suction Valve
           To enable suction of
           atmospheric air, and
        distribute it to each and every
          water jet to boost the jet

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